Accidentes Geográficos

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thing # 8 - RSS & Newsreaders

What is an RSS feed? I had never heard of it. "Really Simple Syndication" is what the google article for newbies said. So I continued reading and was delighted to set one up for myself.

Setting up my google reader was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I especially liked organizing my favorite sites by folders (and even some new ones) - news, sports , fun, blogs. Even Colbert made it in. This definitely saves time. And I don't have to keep a list of URLs to input at the top of my screen on the address line to launch them.

Listing the blogs I want to keep up with in one place is so convenient. I can see what is going on quickly and decide if I need to read further.

Then there is the plus factor of being able to pull up news clips. In social studies, current election issues; in science, articles on say new discoveries of plants and animals, new development in DNA mapping, or any other current research related to the class topic. All projected on the Activboard or used in a Flipchart.

Can't imagine not using my own customized RSS from hereon. :)

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